Korean Foot Care: Korean Beauty Care Beyond the Facial Treatment

It’s summertime! When the weather started getting hot there is one thing most people like to do…wearing open shoes! Normally before starting to wear slipper or sandals we like to take care of our feet like doing some pedicure or applying a nice nail polish. Well, after living for 2 years in Korea I could see how people here take foot care on another level. But let’s start with order.

There is one saying I came across very often while living in Korea and it says “2 심장 ” which can be translated as “feet, our second heart”. In Korea the feet care is based on the fact that taking care of your feet is good for your health in general. This can be easily observed by the fact that if you try to enter in some famous drugstore such as Olive Young you will find a whole big section fully dedicated to feet care and it’s something I’ve never seen in Europe or specifically in Italy.

How every Olive Young looks like in Seoul
A close shot of some of the most famous foot peeliing off masks

From an aesthetic point of view, the reason why Koreans feel the need of taking care of their feet is because the situation when they need to take off their shoes is very likely to happen. In Korea, whenever you enter a house, you have to take off your shoes. There are also some Korean traditional restaurants that still follow the rule of making their guest taking off their shoes before entering. Because of that Koreans pay a detailed attention to their socks, which often have very cute patterns, and their feet care. I mean, I would not be very nice to show everyone you have a hole in your sock. Furthermore, I could notice how much Korean girls like to do some crazy toe nail art.

You can find corners like this everywhere in Seoul!

From a more functional and healthy point of view, well, it’s not something new to hear that wearing high heels for a long time might affect our body condition as a whole, but I feel in Korea this is a sort of common knowledge, to the extend you can really find a lot of different products for your feet care which goes from foot shampoo, foot deodorant, foot mask and so on. But among the products I found the most interesting one are definitely detox patches, which you can easily find called 발패치 in Korean. Applying these detox pads on the sole of your feet before sleeping should help the body against swelling, toxins and pain as well. Generally speaking, it should give you a sense of total relax when you lay down before sleeping.

Here a list of my favourite feet products I personally recommend: 

For Italian readers:

– Nuonove Foot Pads 

– Nivlan Foot Patch

For readers from the rest of the world:

– Kapmore Foot Patch

–  Samsali Foot Pads

What do you think about Korean foot care? Have you ever tried some of the products I mentioned above? Let me know by leaving a comment in the section below!

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One Response to “Korean Foot Care: Korean Beauty Care Beyond the Facial Treatment

  • Lutfije
    4 years ago

    Non ho provato niente di simile ma grazie di averne parlato, proverò sicuramente i patch. Dato che sto in piedi tutto il giorno al lavoro alla mattina quando mi sveglio i miei piedi sono comunque appesantiti dal giorno precedente.
    Ti ho conosciuta tramite Irina, ma ho cliccato perché ho un debole per la Corea. Buon lavoro con il tuo blog😘

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